It is not foreign to this business, if there is
plenty of water, that the master should think
of building a bath, which greatly conduces to
pleasure as well as to health. Let us therefore
build a bath in that situation where there
is a degree of heat, the place being free from
dampness, lest the moisture being near the furnaces
render it cold. We are to give it light
from the south and from the west in winter,
that it may be benefited and enlightened all
day by the sun. But you are to make the
bathing-cells thus.
You first of all pave the
area with tiles; but let the paving be inclined
to the furnace, that, if you erect a buttress, it
may not stand within, but recede towards the
furnace: thus it will happen, that the flame, by
rising high, may make the cells heat with
greater efficiency.
Above this paving, let the
buttresses be made of brick and well-wrought
clay mixt with hair, a foot and a half distant
from each other, two and a half in height.
Upon these buttresses, let two sequare tiles by
placed, and let testaceous pavements be laid
over these; and then, let marble be set on, if
you can get it.
Let a miliarium of lead,
which has a copper bottom, be fixt between
the baths, on the outside, with a furnace
underneath; to which miliarium let a pipe, for
conveying cold water, be directed, and from this
let a pipe of the same size proceed to the bath,
which will convey as much hot water as the
other pipe conveyed of that which was cold.
Let the cells be thus laid out, that they may be
perfectly square; but, for example, that they
may be fifteen feet in length and ten in
breadth, for the vapour will make its way
more effectually between the narrow passages.
Let the form of the baths themselves be according
to every man's choice. Let the cold-water
cells be enlightened from the north, in
summer-baths; from the south, in winter-baths.
If it may be done, let the baths be so built,
that all the filth may run down through the
If the rooms in baths be made of
Signine work, they are stronger; but those
that are made of boards, are supported by
transverse iron-rods and arches. But if you
are unwilling to lay boards over the arches and
rods, you may lay square tiles, fastened with
iron crooks, held together by well-wrought
hair mortar; and you then lay on a testaceous
coat: you will then decorate it with white wash.
We may also, if we study our interest,
build winter-edifices over the baths; then we
have warmth under our habitation, and we
gain the benefit of a foundation already laid.
In Section 41 he goes on to describe ways of sealing the cracks
and mortar joints with pitch, wax and various water-proof
mortar replacements.