Toilets of the World
Welcome to the Toilets of the World
Are you wondering why people hoard toilet paper? Wondering how to use a bidet, or even what a bidet is? Curious about what the toilets are like in other countries? Toilets from ancient history? Do you wonder who invented the flush toilet? (It wasn't Thomas Crapper!) You've come to the right place!
Toilets around the world:Belgium Bulgaria China France Greek Islands Japan Morocco Trinidad Russia and many others
Toilets from throughout history:
The Stone Age Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Bible era King Arthur's England Invention of the flush toilet To the toilets of the future
216 days until Thomas Crapper's birthday
275 days until World Toilet Day
Squat Toilets and Raised Commodes
This is the biggest toilet question in the minds of most international travelers. For some potential travelers, especially Americans, it may be the biggest question of all and a large part of what keeps them from traveling out of their fear of the different and the unfamiliar:
When I visit that country, what will the toilets be like?
Will they be squat toilets, pans in the floor?
Or will they be raised commodes, like porcelain chairs?
For absolutely everything I have on the topic of toilets, arranged on a country by country basis, see my collection of international toilets. But allow me to attempt to summarize the distributions of squatters and commodes, of pans and thrones:

Some heads are very basic, some are unusual like this one with its spectacular view, while others are mundane, largely indistinguishable from dry-land public toilets.
You might find the hand-pumped toilets on board rented French canal boats especially interesting.

Who is the Toilet Guru? Is he obsessed? What is it like to be the Toilet Guru? Why does this site exist?
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