Ice-Cooled Urinals
Ice-cooled ...
Uh, wait... What?
Some bars fill their urinals with ice.
Why would they do such a thing?
This might be used ice, already used to chill bottles
and therefore dirty.
Or it might be excess ice, produced by their ice machines
but not needed.
But why put it in the urinals?
Well, it has to go somewhere, and it would serve
to keep down the odor of a typical urinal.

I've only noticed this in the U.S. It does seem like an "only in America" sort of thing, this being the land of the convenience stores and truck stops with no beverages smaller than one liter.

Here are the ice-cooled stainless steel urinals in Harry's Chocolate Shop (actually a bar) in West Lafayette, Indiana.
There are more pictures of Harry's plumbing on the Stationary Toilets of the U.S.A. page.
Also see the Stainless Steel Toilet page.
Here are a pair of porcelain ice-filled urinals at the Hawk & Dove bar in Washington D.C., on Capitol Hill just east of the Library of Congress on Pennsylvania Avenue.