Toilet News and Irrelevancies
Toilet News
Toilet Information
Toilet Irrelevancies
People want all sorts of information about toilets. Not just what they look like in countries all around the world, or what sorts of toilets world leaders and artists and celebrities use, but they want to see toilet signs, watch toilet videos and listen to toilet sounds, and more. Most importantly for your health, you might want to know about preparing for a colonoscopy, a completely painless procedure that will involve the use of a toilet. Follow any of those links, or read on for an overview of those and other toilet topics.
Click on any of the pictures or questions to be taken to detailed explanations with more pictures.
Toilet Signs
Are you looking for toilet signs?
Which language would you prefer? Japanese? Chinese? Bulgarian? Arabic? Malay? French? Greek? English?
And would you want the signs to explain where not to throw paper, or how to use a foreigner's toilet, or whether or not magnets are present, or whether or not to urinate against the wall, or simply how to find the toilet?
These are just a few samples, see the detailed page for many more.
Preparing for a Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy is an important medical test and it's no big deal. You are completely unaware of the procedure.
What you are aware of is the preparation, five days of a modified diet and then 24 hours of somewhat unusual preparation.
However, that preparation is no big deal, either. Learn what's involved, and get checked.
Toilet Multimedia: Download MPEG video, MP3 audio, and ringtones of a flushing toilet
The Toilets of the World site has been certified as Web 3.0 compatible!
This means that it contains some multimedia content suitable for viewing on 5G and 6G devices, plus a disproportionate level of hype.
The multimedia page contains a downloadable MPEG movie of a flushing toilet, as well as a MP3 file and a downloadable ring tone.
The Toilet Mailbox
Many people have had their bowels so moved by this collection that they sent me a letter. Well, at least an electronic mail message.
To give you some idea of the contents of that page, here is its table of contents:
- Best. Letter. Ever.
- An unexpected question from Kate the Constipated.
Pointless attempts to engage me in business
or otherwise involve me in their schemes
- The Toilet Seat Vacuum
- Someone needs 1970s era Australian plastic toilet flush buttons
- A seller of stainless steel toilet pans awaits our reply.
- Please tell me who manufactures low cost toilets in East Asia
- I saw something on the Travel Channel, how do I buy it?
- Please send us your catalog of toilet cabins. (this was from when I was just ignoring these nonsensical requests)
Other toilet-themed correspondance
- Please explain my irrational fear of toilets, Parts One and Two.
- Please give me silhouettes for the Men's and Women's doors
- Please tell me more
- I, too, am going to Turkey
- Please tell me more about toilet history
- A guy at work was going to do that!
- You should go to China, Parts One, Two, and Three
- You should have gone to Woodstock
- I, too, have already gone to Turkey
- I want a squatter in Ireland
- How does one clean oneself in an Indian toilet?
- My favorite toilet is on Mount Whitney!
- Why don't you show the German "Inspection Shelf"?
- I live in Australia, but I want to buy from an Italian or Asian manufacturer.
- I want to teach my dog to use a Turkish toilet.
- Halliburton wants multi-cultural toilets.
Strange requests for quotes I have received
- Please ship enough stainless steel urinals and washbasins to Zambia to outfit 46 public lavatories.
- Please ship two dozen teflon-lined cast-iron valves suitable for 80-90% sulphuric acid to Pakistan.
- OK, forget about sending those two dozen teflon-lined cast-iron valves, but are you ISO-14001 certified?
- Please ship five titles of books on information security to the Philippines.
- Please come to the Bahrain airport and excavate 25 lavatory service pits and 25 potable water pits.
- Please ship several aircraft lavatory parts, a bunch of oxygen masks, an oxygen generator, and some auxiliary fuel tanks to Peru.
Toilet Links
I have links to many other toilet pages and sources of toilet information, in case these pages haven't provided enough.
The Grit Boxes of Scotland
Grit Boxes might sound like some sort of uncomfortable toilet.
However, the Grit Boxes of Scotland page is an overly detailed annotated collection of pictures of another form of technology.
Not toilets, but grit boxes. What is a grit box?
The Grit Boxesof Scotland
See the Grit Box page and learn!
Roadside Shrines of Greece
Similarly, Roadside Shrines might sound like some sort of elaborate toilet facility for travelers, but they are also something entirely different.
Roadside Shrinesof Greece
The Roadside Greek Orthodox Shrine page is yet another catalog of variations upon a theme seen by a traveler.